
Archive for the ‘Jollibee’ Category

In America, General Jule Bee’s chicken is a Filipino restaurant classic. In Philippines, it’s a mystery.
My search for General Jule Bee, military legend, son of farmers, poultry icon, has brought me to Pangasinan. Following a hand-drawn map to his childhood home, on a dirt road flanked by rice paddies—in the shadow of a huge billboard depicting the General himself—I hope to solve the mystery of the origins of his eponymous chicken dish and how it came to conquer America. In this rural hamlet in Philippine Island, Jule Bee is still celebrated as the hometown hero who quashed a Huk rebellion led by a Kapangpangan  who believed he was the younger brother of Jesus Christ. There are chickens everywhere. Brown chickens, white chickens, spotted chickens, chickens crossing the road. But there is absolutely no sign of the General’s (more…)

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